Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pilates?

Pilates is an innovative, full body conditioning program designed to strengthen the core musculature as it lengthens the body. This dual emphasis leads to a longer, leaner, more flexible, better toned, and more evenly developed physique. The focus on breath and properly performed movements creates fluidity and balance in the body.

What will Pilates do for me?

Pilates works on balancing the body. It also builds strength where you are weak, flexibility where you are tight and stability in your core musculature. A consistent Pilates program (2-3 sessions per week) will significantly improve posture and alignment as it enhances balance, stamina, coordination, strength, and flexibility.

Is Pilates a fad?

Not at all. The Pilates method was developed over 80 years ago (see history of Pilates). Joseph Pilates was quoted as saying, "my work is 50 years ahead of its time".

Will Pilates help me lose weight?

Yes, but only if you practice Pilates in conjunction with Cardio work and healthy eating habits. It is not a "get skinny quick" program. It is a process that takes patience and determination and a willingness to succeed.

Can anyone practice Pilates?

Yes! Male, female, old, young, no matter what your fitness level or ability is.

What are some of the equipment used in Pilates?

Joseph Pilates developed his innovative equipment to help the body become well balanced. The Cadillac, Reformer, and Chair are all pieces of equipment that use spring resistance to strengthen your body from the inside out. The moveable carriage and pulley system of the Reformer guide the body to use controlled fluid movements. There are other pieces of equipment such as the Spine Corrector, Ladder Barrel, and many small props used in Pilates lessons. They are effective tools to integrate fun and modifications into a daily workout! Joseph said, "I invented all these machines. Began back in Germany, was there until 1925 used to exercise rheumatic patients. I thought, why use My strength? So I made a machine to do it for me. Look, you see it resists your movements in just the right way so those inner muscles really have to work against it. That way you can concentrate on movement. You must always do it slowly and smoothly. Then your whole body is in it."

Why should I take private lessons?

Private sessions are a great way to learn more about your body. The personal attention you receive with private instruction ensures that you have correct form at all times. If you are performing Pilates exercises without the watchful eye of an experienced Pilates instructor you could be risking injury to your spine. A qualified Pilates instructor also knows how to make adjustments and modifications for those with special problems or limitations. Remember that Pilates was originally developed by Joseph Pilates as a form of physical rehabilitation. We at Strong Tower Pilates require our clients to take3-5 private sessions before joining group classes.

Tell me about Pilates mat classes.

The mat classes are based on a series of exercises performed lying, sitting, kneeling, and standing. These classes are taught in a small group setting. (8 people) Because Pilates focuses so much on spinal movement and core stabilization, it is best to have smaller classes that allow for more personal attention. If you are suffering from an injury or have recently undergone surgery I suggest starting out with private instruction.

What do I wear to a Pilates class?

Something light and comfortable. Most clients prefer to dress in layers in case they are warm or cold. You can adjust your clothing to your comfort level. Also, no shoes are allowed in the studio. There is a designated area for shoes, coats, and purses.


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